Calling all Conscious Parents

The 3 Key Decisions You Need To Make To Create Your Empowered Family Blueprint


In this Masterclass, you'll learn:


The 3 Critical Questions You Need Answer To Create Your Own Conscious Parenting Curriculum

Is homeschooling, unschooling, distance or traditional schooling the best fit for each of your children and their unique values, personality and learning styles?


How To Guide Your Children Through A World Of Peer Pressure, Technology, Social & Mainstream Media

The challenges inherent with raising children through todays myriad of negative influences can be stressful and disastrous without setting up an essential framework.


How To Consciously Equip Your Children with the Relationships, Resourcefulness and Resilience to Thrive Now and Into The Future 

Ultimately how can we raise confident, resilient, passionate, honest, grateful creative, imaginative, wholesome kids who feel loved, nurtured and honoured for their unique gifts and talents?

Children. It's something many of us plan for, but then once we have them, we can put more time into planning a holiday or building a house, then planning how we raise our kids.

Whether you are growing a family, have little ones around your ankles, are home schooling, have kids in school, or kids taller than you. Let us help you take the stress out of parenting and allow you to be present and enjoy the journey.

Just imagine ...

  • Feeling so strong and clear on your values and what your family stands for, that the differing opinions of others don't sway or effect you.
  • Knowing that you have exactly what it takes to raise your children well, regardless of what has happened till now, or how your own childhood was.
  • Creating family rituals and values  that your family is excited about all hold sacred
  • Having the kind of relationship with your children, that they feel like they can talk to you about anything on their mind, without feeling judged, regardless of their age.


A Note From Anthony & Kate...

We have been empowering families with their health and wellbeing since 2001.

With 5 Wellness Centres, an online Holistic Health Program serving thousands of families around the world, a world renown health documentary Overfed & Undernourished and a best selling book 'Raising Healthy Families In Unhealthy Times. We are proud parents of our 3 free spirited kids aged 10, 12 and 14.

When we place our finger on the pulse of humanity, we feel the pain and uncertainty for parents and parents-to-be at an all time high and we realised we have a responsibility … a deep calling to pass on what we have learnt and empower as many families as possible.

This Masterclass is designed to inspire parents to foster connected, kind and curious children, while sharing life lessons to help them thrive and grow (lessons most adults wished we had learned in school but didn’t).
