#18: Moving From Self Comparison To Self Love With Janai Giddy

Episode #18

We have all played the comparison game before. Whether it be about our body, our money, our popularity, our health, our happiness, our hair, our kids, our job…… the list goes on. It doesn’t matter that you have compared yourself, everyone has. But what matters is the story you tell yourself after you compare and if it is causing you to shine or shrink.

Join us as we get real with super mama, coach and personal trainer Janai Giddy as she shares her own personal journey of comparison, how it paralysed her and how she overcame it to find herself to be in a place of self love and gratitude and the flow on effect this had for her family.

This is a powerful interview that every woman should hear.


Instagram: @janai_giddy

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janai.giddy


website: https://www.empoweredwomensproject.com

instagram: @empowered.womens.project

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EmpoweredWomensProject


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